
Monday, December 13, 2010

A Quick Update

Wow time has been flying by here in Dominica. We went straight from the Independence season into HIV/AIDS awareness month, which added a lot of little projects here and there to my schedule. And now we are on to the Christmas season! And I cannot believe I have been gone from the States (and that I call it The States) for 10 months! Like I said time is just flying by here.

HIV/AIDS awareness month was a really great month for me work wise I had a lot of new events to attend, things like a HIV/AIDS talk, a remembrance for those who have lots their lives and those who are living with HIV/AIDS, a drive through the country where we gave out a ton of information, and other great events. But Im not gonna lie it was also really hard. HIV/AIDS work takes a really strong person and while I feel I have grown a lot here and did pretty good work I still have the highest respect for those who make HIV/AIDS awareness their job. There is so much emotion that goes along with it.

On top of it all, I have been feeling pretty homesick as of late. Thanksgiving was pretty tough for me. We had a great PCV party with all the traditional Thanksgiving food and I was surrounded by tons of friends but I still missed home a lot. I tried to think of it as a new experience that I will one day look back on and tell my kids stories about but that didnt really help with the homesickness.

But I made it through and I am feeling surprising good considering Christmas is coming up, and this will be my first Christmas away from home. I Think maybe Kristen coming to visit is why I feel so good about it, I cant wait to go to the beach with her on Christmas day and get a tan. And we are going to try to cook our own turkey as well wish us luck, where gonna need it!

So yeah that is just a quick overview of things that have been going on/I have been feeling lately. I dont have much time for writing right now because I have a lot to do to prepare for the end of the term and my little vacation with my sister!  First up is a Pizza/Christmas party with my CALLS art students.

Also check out my photos of HIV/AIDS awareness events and some of the Christmas activities I have attend so far... more to come.