I guess I should explain what an “Only in Dominica” moment is. These moments are times when you honestly have no idea what is going on the only thing you can do to keep from crying or going insane is to write it off as a “only in Dominica” moment. I feel like I have one of these moments daily… but they surprise me less and less as time go on here. When I first came I remember all of the PCVs would share our crazy moments with each other and laugh about it during training. Most times the stories would revolve around crazy bus rides with 10 more people crammed into a bus then there ever should be, or a event that we thought was one thing but turned out it was completely different as the night went on, or completely misunderstanding someone cause you couldn’t understand what they were saying. Now, I just kinda expect the unexpected and enjoy my “Only in Dominica” moments! Here are some goodies:
- When you have been on a bus for an hour on your way home and you are so close but you stop to let someone off, no big deal, but then 10 feet, and no joke 10 feet down the road, you stop again to let someone else off, and this happens at least 2 more times… Only in Dominica!
- When you are having stew with friends and you ask “hey what is this” and they respond “oh it’s a apricot” and after you take a bite they add “or it might be the pigs skin” and turns out it is the pigs skin (and the inch of fat under it)… Only in Dominica!
- When you are teaching a class of 20 high schoolers and you cant understand a word they are staying but you know they are making fun of you, and your confusing only makes it all the more funny to them… Only in Dominica!
- When you are on bus ride home after carnival and your bus is full of women dressed in crazy carnival wear and you stop for BBQ, and you are last one served and almost having an anxiety attack thinking the bus is going to leave you – cause who would notice right. But you make it back and just before the bus pulls out one woman in the front yells “WHERE IS THE WHITE GIRL!?!” and you answer, “I here, just eating my BBQ” and somehow you are all now best friends for the rest of the ride. Only in Dominica!
- And finally… When you realize that the “Only in Dominica” moments have become “normal” life and what use to be “normal” days are now the weird ones… Only in Dominica!
Oh and sorry for the crazy run on sentences… it just adds to the craziness that accompanied each of these moments!
I give you a "Only in Dominica" pothole marker!