
Friday, April 29, 2011

The Gs Do Dominica!

I lived a very blessed life, not only am I living this amazing adventure but I also get the chance to share this experience with family and friends that come to visit. And guess who the visitors were this time, none other then my amazing grandparents thats right Grandma and Grandpa Steinke were here on the island and we had a great time!

It was so amazing to share my life here with them and have them see all the places I go and work and meet all my friends and co-workers. We had a very packed week full of sightseeing, great meals, cards (Polish Poker to be exact) social visits and we made some great memories. I am probably one of the only PCVs that can say their grandparents came to visit.

Here is the rundown of some of the sights we got to see. Trafalgar Falls, Screws Hot Springs, Syndicate Nature Trail and bird watching, Indian River tour with James Bond, Cabrits, Arial Tram ride through the rainforest and much more! We also got to have some amazing food, breakfast cooked by grandma (so good) and tried out a lot of the restaurants around Portsmouth. I even got to try lobster!

They also got the chance to see my apartment and all the places I work, and meet my friends, co-workers, landlords and host family! And they even came to do meals on wheels with me and I know the people we serve enjoyed meeting them! Like I said we packed the week full! We also played a lot of cards which was a lot of fun even though I was really bad at the game and only won a few hands!

I am so blessed that I have such an amazing family and that my grandparents were able to come down here and spend the week with me. I wouldnt give up the memoires that were made for anything! Thanks for everything Gs!

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